Information provided by Refugee Council USA. The more we understand, the more we can help welcome our new neighbors.

What is refugee resettlement?

 It is often easiest to start off understanding the process of how resettlement works.

How are refugees screened?

There are many steps in the screening process. Here's how it operates.

Where does the money go?

Ever wonder how much money it costs? Here is some of that information.

Who can I contact?

Are you moved to get in touch with your political leaders from the local to the national level? Here are some suggested templates for those letters. 

The following information is provided by Vera Institute of Justice.

  • 718 days is the average length of immigration court backlog in 2018

  • 809,041 is the number of pending cases in the immigration court backlog as of November 2018

  • 74 days is the average length of time an unaccompanied immigrant child is held in custody; up from 34 days in 2016

  • 33% is the percentage by which the cap on total refugees admitted to the US decreased between fiscal years 2018 and 2019.